Obesity occurs when you exceed your consumption of eating and drinking than contributing in burning them through physical exercise or work. The extra calories is then stored as fat.
Factors that cause excess of caloric intake:
1. Eating larger portion: Consuming food more than required.

3. Increased consumption of sugar related food and beverages: burgers, ketch-ups, milkshakes, cola, and tinned or canned fruit juices.
4. Constant increment of snacking in the evening time: The 'need' to eat while actually not hungry.
5. Underestimating the real nutritious food for their taste: They need just to be cooked smartly and there you go with delicious yet nutritious meals.
6. High calorie intake with additional poly-saturated complex fats that is hard to digest.
7. Habit of finishing the whole plate of meal even if the stomach says full.
8. Advertisements: every bite of food is shown eating in the ads creating a tempting effect and getting usual cravings and useless addictions.
Factors that cause's insufficient amount of physical activity:
1. Not getting enough time: Regular schedules of long working hours making everyone so tired that they feel lazy of getting up for morning walk or evening walk or cycling.
2. Technological advances: Previously there were scarcity of motor cars and so people used their cycles; same way the inventions of lift, elevators are contributing in making people lazy.
3. Limited access to safe and convenient facilities for walking or jogging areas: People just cannot go to some aloof place where chances of being victim for crimes are at great risk; also proper parks may not be there.
4. Limited time for daily recess and physical education or activities in schools.
Figura capsules are the fast natural slimming pills. Unlike other artificial and chemical based weight loss pills that reduce an individual strength and stamina, Figura fast herbal slimming pills maintains the strength and stamina of individual. Figura capsules have the tendency of keeping long-term weight under control. These herbal slimming pills cast no side effects and are totally safe and secure, free of any artificial colors and preservatives. These pills are not only for overweight and obese people but also for all those who are keenly interested to maintain their body weight so as to stay light, active and slim always.
The key ingredients used in herbal fat loss pills Figura capsule is Babool (Acacia Arabica Wild), Haritki (Terminalia Chebula), Babuna (Matricaria Chamomilla), Piplamool (Piper Longum), Kulthi (Dolichos Biflorus), Katha (Acacia Catechu), Bair (Zizyphus Jujuba), Bhadradanti (Jatropha Multifida), Pashanbhed (Coleus Aromaticus), Jwasa (Alhagi Maurorum), Chandras (Veteria Indica), and Gurlu (Coix Lachryma).
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